PLN Revisited

Here is a link to my newly updated PLN visual.

Through this class I believe that I have learned the value of having and maintaining an active PLN. I found that even though I stopped tracking who I was following on Twitter (see Personal Learning Network page), I was adding to it as I found people and topics that were relevant to what we were talking about in class and that the more connections I made, the more that popped up.

One ares that I feel I could improve on is sharing. I find that I only share as required for classes and work at this point. This is in part because I often find I am overwhelmed with all the information that I read on twitter and on other blogs. The amount of information and feedback can be intimidating at times, especially if you find yourself disagreeing with the what people are saying. I feel ,myself becoming more confident in my opinions and thoughts so I believe that in time I will become a more active participant in this area.

I was very unsure of having a blog at the start of this whole process, but I am definitely seeing the value of it now. I like to think this is something I will keep up with after graduation, because I see it as great place to make, create and foster connections with people. How it evolves after graduation, I suppose I will just have to wait and see.

1 thought on “PLN Revisited”

  1. Melissa, I can really resonate with your thoughts about sharing – it can feel really awkward to put one’s self on “on display” – which is so interesting since as a teacher, we’re always on display. What do you think is harder to share – the stuff that we know or the stuff that we don’t know yet?

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